Friday, March 29, 2013

Chrome VS. Safari

What is Google Chrome?

Google Chrome is a free, open-source web browser developed by Google. It was released in 2008, and has grown to be one of the most popular browsers today.
When Google decided to make a browser, they wanted to completely rethink the browser, as browsing now is very different from browsing simple text pages. Now we email, shop, pay bills, and run large application in our browsers.

The Safari Browser

SafariIn 2003, Apple developed their own browser: Safari.
In April 2005, Safari became the default browser for Mac systems (earlier, Mac systems used Netscape or Internet Explorer as the default browser).
Safari is known for its sleek design and ease of use. Safari is available for Mac and Windows systems.

Now everyone says Google Chrome is the best browser, but what are the Pro's and Con's of both Chrome and Safari?


 No doubt that Google Chrome is awesome. The browser looks good, and simple. I mean, think about it, you rarely see Google Chrome crashing, right? Almost anyone can use Google Chrome, it is actually fast. Google Chrome also (at times) tries to protect you from getting viruses. I love how when you download files, it's simple and it just appears at the bottom, not like Safari and Firefox with their pop-ups and such. You have a lot of tab control also, and get to open new windows by just dragging the tab out of the tab bar, and you can move around tabs easily.

 Google Chrome has a bit reputation for flash games, I'm not sure why, but a lot of other people said it slows down flash, and Firefox is the best for flash games. Other wise, Google Chrome is perfect.


 Safari is one of the most popular mobile browsers, even though it is only on iPhone, iPod, and iPad. It's easy to use on the go, and you can easily switch tabs. 

 What I dislike about Safari is that when you download files, a pop-up appears unlike chrome. Safari is not the best but has good tab control, less than google chrome though. It a simple design like Google Chrome, but it's just not the best somehow.

Who Wins?

013Internet ExplorerFirefoxChromeSafariOpera
February13.5 %29.6 %50.0 %4.1 %1.8 %
January14.3 %30.2 %48.4 %4.2 %1.9 %

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